Zip Tie Use No.458: Bumper & Plastic Stitching

– Hey Kids! Do you have unsightly rips and cracks on your cars bumper? Have you become so self-conscious about your ripped bumpers that you continue to refrain from social events, parties, hot dates or time share meetings? Well fret no more! With “Frankin-Bumper Easy Bumper Rip Fix”  you’ll have that ripped bumper looking sweet in no time!

– Alright we’ve all seen that beat Honda Civic or Buick Riviera with a huge rip right down the bumper flapping around in the wind. One possible solution to the problem is to buy a new bumper, but that can be expensive. Another option is to plastic weld, but who has those kinds of resources? Plus you just want to stop the piece from flapping around, not perform surgery. But wait, what is like surgery but a whole lot easier? STITCHING! WOOT. WOOT.

– That’s right Zip-Tie Stitching. Zip-Tie Stitching has been around for a while now, mainly by the import folks as a means of fixing the copious amount of plastic on their cars. Even with the rat rod (pretty much a cool beat up hot rod) trend still pretty popular, the muscle car folks really haven’t adopted it. There are a slew of later model muscle cars with plastic bumpers, 70-present Camaros and Fire Birds for example.  It does not seem like many folks have embraced this cool idea.

– I personally like the stitch-it thing my self. I’ve been able to Stitch my nitro r.c. truck (shown), the bumper of my old Byrd (shown) and the steering shaft cover of said Fire Bird which is what I’ll use as a small demo on how to Zip Tie Stitch.
First off examine the crack, look at the edges around the wound and decide what route would be best to take.

Decide what style of stitching you are gonna go with. I opted for the cross stitch but yall may like the straight stitch

Mark and drill the holes for the zip ties


Push Zip-ties through holes, make sure that if you do not what to see the head of the tie then push zip tie through the opposing side.

Loop zip tie back to the head


and cut off the excess zip tie that hangs past the head


and your done.


Here’s my work on my old 77  Fire Bird


and on my T-Maxx Nitro RC Truck. Mini Zip Ties 🙂

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